I am pleased to announce the launch of 'The Art of Bead Stringing: Artist to Entrepreneur'.
In the Spring of last year I was commissioned to write a manual on 'how to make beaded jewelry and create a cottage industry out of jewelry making' for the country of Rwanda. One result was the realization that, though there are many books on how to make jewelry, I could find none with a focus on how to design jewelry. In addition, should one wish to turn this art form into a business, there should be an easy guide on how to do so included. This knowledge, and the encouragement from my students, inspired me to spend the last year and a half writing this book. 'The Art of Bead Stringing: Artist to Entrepreneur' is designed to provide a foundation with step by step instruction on how to make and sell beaded jewelry with a focus on design.
Shake hands with your new best friend.
The tools used to make jewelry affect the quality and finish of each piece made. Tools must be chosen correctly, cared for, and held properly for best results.
Of course you have to have beautiful beads - in this case green, blue, and lavender jade,
London blue topaz, lemon quartz, citrine, amethyst, and smoky quartz.
In the glossary these gemstone beads and others are identified which helps to familiarize the reader with terms and types of beads, shapes of beads, tools, findings, and more.
No design is simple. Some just look simple.
Some look complicated.
The principles and elements of design are explained in detail with examples. The idea being to share how each designer can reach their full potential creating original designs, using these principles.
The final step in a technique.
The introduction of a material and techniques new to most, a reminder to others. These offer so many new options to artists and craftspeople.
Earring cards (front & back), Necklace/bracelet tags, bronze jewelry tags, business card with logo.
Important for those who wish to sell their work is the section on how to turn a craft/art into a business inclusive of tips that are cost saving and easy.
And when this book was finished, another beautiful sunset in downtown Silver Spring filled with promise. A reminder that while one task has been completed and is available in my studio and some bead stores, it is time for me to get back to making new pieces for the Holiday Season. So many designs waiting for me to make them, so little time! I assure you I am on it!!