Have you ever wondered where the beads I use in my designs come from? Which comes first, the beads or the design? Oh -- and most important, what does the picture above have to do with beads? Well, this time of year is a good time to give you a window into one of the ways I gather beads.
Each year about this time I shop at the world’s largest bead, rock, gem, and mineral shows which take place in Tucson, Arizona. These shows take up all of Tucson from the convention center to side lots at gas stations, church basements, school auditoriums, and every hotel ballroom, lobby, and suite there is.
Now -- why the opening picture? Because, every morning in Tucson looking out a window where I stay, this is what I see -- cactus at sun rise! I think of this view as my gateway to the beautiful and unusual beads that will become parts of future pieces of jewelry -- a window to endless possibilities.
In the interest of full disclosure I am going to show you what a day of shopping in Tucson is like. Each day shopping is from 10 am to 6 pm without a serious break. Tucson is the one place where I can shop with bead venders and artists from around the world. Knowing that I'll be going into unchartered waters, I get my lightest weight carry on with wheels (beads are too heavy to carry when one is going through a show with 400 plus venders), a shopping bag/purse/back pack, my most comfortable walking shoes, my laptop, show registrations, money, and I'm ready. Oh. And it really helps to have a wonderful friend who turns over her home and car to you while you are in Tucson!
Geared up and ready to shop!
Some badges can be used at several shows.
This year there were 38 shows, most running simultaneously. Above is the entrance to one show that had over 900 exhibitors / venders with wonderful beads.
This is my favorite tented show with over 409 exhibitors. This is a good example of the outside looking calm and quiet while the inside is bright lights, dazzling gems and beads, and hundreds and hundreds of wholesale buyers shopping.
Booths can look like this in a tent…
Or this in a hotel lobby…..stone beads
Or gem stone beads in a ballroom……
Some great Spinel was found here. This vender is from Hong Kong and comes to the states only once a year for this show.
And believe it or not baltic amber like this outside in an individual tent
This year at the top of my list was to find a beautiful gemstone called Spinel, it is transparent to opaque. It may be colorless, but is usually various shades of red, blue, green, yellow, brown or black. I was only interested in the dazzling black so I wouldn’t even look at the other colors for fear of being distracted.
Spinel is sometimes referred to as “ black diamonds” because of the fire in it when it is of good quality and cut well. The best I am told comes from Thailand so of course Black Spinel from Thailand is what I was in search of. I have been dreaming about it and have this great design, a multi strand necklace in mind.
After several shows and tired feet I was able to identify a handful of venders, in different shows,who had exquisite Black Spinel in different shapes and sizes. Spinel, you too will dream of when you see the finished pieces.
Isn’t it the best! You know how every woman should have a little black dress? Well, I think every woman should have a black necklace that can go from the boardroom to the ballroom. Watch for the pieces that come from the Spinel I found.
Then there are Mother of Pearl beads I needed to copy a design of mine for a client who lost the original piece and wants a duplicate made. Of course I bought enough to create a couple more designs.
A trip to Tucson would not be complete if I didn't get pearls from my favorite pearl vender!
Ok I couldn't leave these behind. Look how beautiful they are!
I also scouted out materials I have not worked with and new findings that can give designs an even better finish then what I have been using. This all sounds reasonable doesn’t it?
A most exciting find was this fabulous Druse, especially the pieces that have a layer of 18K gold applied through a process called vapor deposition just to give them more pizazz. I knew I had to bring this back for those who like a little something over the top. Below is one finished example.
What do you think, did I make the right decision ?
Remember the question at the beginning of this blog about which comes first the beads or the design? There is no one answer. Sometimes it is the design, as with the spinel. There was the dream, and now that I have found the beads I saw in my dream I will create the necklace. and other pieces.
On the other hand, when I saw this druse I knew immediately what I would do with it. The pendants said how they wanted to be presented to the world as i held them. I work at keeping an open mind so I don’t miss any of the designs as they come through, nor the wonder of how they come to me.
At the end of the day, just as I think I can not look at another beautiful bead or gemstone… there are bands of fire, amazing, spectacular colors shooting across the sky. A subtle reminder of Who really is the best at design. I will never be able to top Mother Nature’s designs but oh how I do appreciate a flare for the dramatic. Sunset in Tucson.